Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So apparently (and I am realizing I start A LOT of my sentences with "So") I'm averaging 1 post a month which tells me either I don't have as many ramblings as I thought or I forget about them before I get them posted....

The first week of August I worked a complete week. The rest of the month I've been doing 4 days. I could get use to that.

Week of the 7th, I was sick on Monday. Just a stomach thing.

Week of the 14th, JJL and I took off for Michigan to see this delightful being.

Mason Paul Bruce Hepler was born 15? weeks early. Weighing in at 1lb. 11oz.
After 9 months, of praying I got to hold him and he did the considerate thing of falling asleep. Mason is the son of my beloved brother and therefore Mason has become the child that has me tightly wound round his little finger. 

Week of the 21st, I used a 1/2 off admission coupon to the Cincinnati Zoo. JJL went of course along with the couple nicknamed Mostin.

It took 7 yes I said 7 hours to get there with breakfast and a major breakdown of frustration of never getting out of the state I love so much. It was not my proudest moment.

JJL for once had control of the new family camera. There are quite a few pictures that I wouldn't have taken and quite a few still in my head that didn't make it onto the memory card. No surprise there. It is interesting to see what JJL considers photo worthy knowing we do not see things the same or even notice the same things. 

We are making plans to get estimates on adding on to our home. We always had the idea we would move. To where? We had no idea but we were going to be ready wherever the Lord led us. Have we given up? Or finally got the hint to grow where we are planted? I suppose the remodel will happen if its the will of God ... because it won't be because of us. Have I mentioned it would open up some space for me to paint ... BONUS! 

Till next month ...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer - Lakes - Youth

Summertime to me is being on a lake.

Out of the picture is a tree with a fishing pole and a container of bee moths
Great Bear Lake in Michigan triggers the most memories. The 2 hour drive sitting in between Grandma and Grandpa in a Ford F150. The whole time waiting to drive down this humungus hill. You can't see the drop coming but once you hit the crest it's like the whole world opened up for just you.

The time Grandma made me sit next to the open window when body odor was a new thing to this preteen. She was also very much more concerned than I with my complexion.

The time Grandma told me I was just like my grandpa and that I should try and be better and when I looked at him to see how he took that comment he smiled and winked at me.

One summer every morning, I rowed a perfectly good fishing boat with a motor around our little portion. Makes me tired just thinking about it. The water was smooth as glass on the far side with turtles sunning themselves on fallin logs.

Fishing was always the same time each night. Grandpa and I in the boat I rowed and Grandma and Great-Grandma in the other boat. I was mostly only there to sit in the bow to make it easier to steer. Fishing for me would only last a few minutes I'm sure, but back then it seemed F O R E V E R. So I would pack it up and put on the headphones and read a book while Grandpa fished. I'd like to think I knew what I had. That the time spent together was fleeting and would be looked back upon with yearning.

After the fishing there was card playing and ice cream eating and/or a forging of the refrigerator. No one had video game players and the cottage didn't have cable or even got decent antenna coverage. Its how I learned you never want to sit to the left of Grandma in euchre because you will

N E V E R be able to call trump. One summer there was a new card game we played and that I would consistently win at. Great-Grandma was bound and determined to beat me at least once. Unfortunately that same desire to beat me was the same desire that flowed through my veins to keep winning.

I am almost certain there is nothing better than taking a nap under a tree after total exhaustion from swimming all morning. The feel of the breeze, the smell of the lake and the sound of people and speed boats creating a lullaby only "lake people" understand.
The next best place to sleep was the screened in porch. The moon and stars reflecting off the lake, and lightening bugs or fireflies which ever you prefer as your night-lights. The night time lullaby was provided by frogs, crickets and the occasional fish jumping out of the water.

About two cottages over there was a woman that lived year round on the lake. She was originally from Hungary. She told me stories of crossing the Atlantic and how she was sea sick and missed seeing the Statue of Liberty. She had a fondness for clocks and would listen to talk radio all night. She had a brick from the original house that Joe Louis trained in that was on the far side of the "Big Lake". One summer she asked how it felt to be bitten by mosquitos and in my youth and extreme delectablity to all bugs was dumbfounded at this lack of knowledge.

One of the few times that I got out of going fishing I found a stick near the pier and used it as a baton tapping it on one of the posts and directed a symphony taking my bows from the invisible crowd. I however was asked the next day by the neighbors when that nights show will be starting. The invisible crowd that I thought I had was in fact quite real and was in fact applauding when I bowed.

Is it the place that I miss? Is it my youth? Is it the quality time that I had with my grandparents? Perhaps its all of it ...

I was proposed to on a pontoon. I was married (on a very cold day) next to a lake. Maybe, its not so much summertime means being on a lake but being on a lake being part of who I am.

Indiana trivia: Indiana's shoreline with Lake Michigan is only 40 miles long, but Indiana is still considered a Great Lakes State.